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JXUST;Northeastern Chinese dishes, stew, sauce, grilled as the main character, shape rough color rich. ;Fried Potato, Green Pepper Eggplant;Home cooking 家常菜 Suitable for the old and the young 老幼皆宜 authentic northeastern dishes 地道的东北菜 Classic is unsurpassable 无法超越的经典;Chicken stew mushroom 小鸡炖蘑菇;a very famous northeastern dish Hazel mushroom is the essence of this food 榛蘑菇是这道料理的精髓所在 Hazel mushroom is one of the unique mountain delicacies in heilongjiang province;Fried Pork in Scoop 锅包肉 ;childern and girls like it because of its taste, which is sour and sweet and very delicious. When the chewing The kind of sound when eating popcorn 咀嚼时,发出类似吃苞米花时的那种声音;Chicken stew mushroom;Hazel mushroom stewed chicken is a traditional delicacies which is indispensable to entertain guests 榛蘑炖小鸡是东北人招待贵客的不可缺少的传统佳肴 especially suitable for winter and eat in order to achieve blood circulation to prevent cold .;Cooking materials ;Ingredients:;Cooking process;chicken cut into large pieces ; sweet potato starch cut above, with water soak until soft. Hazel mushroom with warm water. onions and cut into sections, ginger slices. ;Heat 2 tablespoons oil. saute scallion, ginger, dried peppers. pour chicken and cooking wine(1), seafood (2) quick stir-fry until chicken color;into the hazel mushroom. stir well into the two bowls of water. star anise .;stew for 30 minutes. into the sweet potato starch noodles mix well. continued cook 10 min. add (1/3) salt sugar(1/2). ;delicious~~;Thank you !


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