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花 卉 栽 培 floristry 一 串 红 矮牵牛 石 竹 三 色 堇 萱 草 属 木 槿 榕 树 盆 景 景 天 (地被植物) 5、Study on flower facilities, cultivation technology lags far behind in protected vegetable. 月 季 美人蕉 蝴蝶兰 非洲菊 风信子 郁金香 鹤 望 兰 二. The significance and role of the floriculture (一)In the garden greening effect 1.Flowers is important in greening, landscaping and incense. 2.Ground cover plants can also prevent soil erosion and protect the soil. 3. Add a cheerful and warm atmosphere for the festival. In addition, flowers, lawn and ground cover plants greening not only beautify the environment, but also prevent dust, sterilization and absorb harmful gases And other health-protective . (二)In the cultural life of the role Indoor beautification, venue layout, public places decoration, opening ceremony, wedding and funeral ceremony, visiting patients and friends ,and others activity. 会 议 室 会 议 室 会 场 公 共 场 所 颁 奖 婚礼 花车 宴 会 开 业 庆 典 开 业 庆 典 庆典花篮 (三)Role in economic production 1.The cultivation of flower production is an important horticultural production. You can export. 2. Many flowers are medicinal plants, aromatic plants or other economic plants. 万 寿 菊 生 产 栽 培 三、 The contribution of China flowers to the world Landscape Architecture 1.Increase the types of garden flowers abroad; 2.Increase the rich and excellent germplasm resources for international flower breeding circles. 1.Our country is a lot of flowers hometown and is also one of the most abundant flower species and resources in the world. 2.The world garden community known in China as mother of gardens * * * * * * * * * * * 张亮霞 紫罗兰 一. The definition of the flowers Flowers are named after ornamental flowers in Ci Hai. There are two kinds definition of flowers ,one is narrow definition and another is broad . Broad flower includes woody plants, flowering shrubs, flowering trees and bonsai with ornamental value of except herbaceous. Flowers in the narr


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