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; 翻译与写作;;;;;; ;I’ll attend to that myself in th’mornin’. I’ll take keer o’im. He ain’t from this county nohow. I’ll go down there in th’mornin’ and see ‘im. ;正式和非正式文体的区别: 语法 缩略词,如don’t, he’s, I’ve等一般不用于正式文体。 泛指不定代词you常用于非正式文体,正式文体用one. You never know what new measures the President will take. One never knows what new measures the President will take. 分词短语和无动词分句一般用于正式文体。 She decided to go home at once, knowing that her mother was anxiously waiting for her. 独立主格结构一般用于正式文体。 The weather being fine, a large number of people went to climb the hill. ;做定语或状语的短语,放在主语前显得正式 A famous professor of biology, Dr. Jones was the new president of the university. Eager to finish the work, he continued to do it until midnight. 插入语使句子显得正式。 The village has built, in less than ten years, several small factories that bring in more income than the farm produce every year. 一系列动词、名词、形容词连用使句子正式。 His anger prevented him from doing, saying and listening to anything. He has experienced love and hate, grief and happiness. 长句常属于正式文体。;词意和搭配 泛指词和具体词;练习:写出更具体 的词: walk movie He’s great. student doctor clothes animal fruit flower vehicle food ;怎样记住更多具体的词? 时时留心,具体词随处可见 21世纪英文报 分类记忆 ;Luke说他的胃很难受。Claire让他往后靠,放松。 Haley突然看到一个蜘蛛。她踩住了Phil的安全带。Phil被卡住了。Haley说她需要透透气。Claire让Alex把车窗放下来,但是车窗被卡住了。Luke想吐,Phil想开空调,却开了热风,全是灰。Alex的安全带卡住了,Claire转身想去帮她,却把饮料撒了她一身。;General: It’s often windy and dusty here in Spring. Specific: In Spring, there is often a very strong northwest wind. It carries so much fine dust with it that sometimes the sun becomes obscure. There is no escape from the fine dust; it gets into your eyes, your ears, your nostrils, and your hair. It goes through the cracks of closed windows and covers your desks and chairs. ;General: Students do many interesting things after classes. Specific: Every morning and afternoon the sports fields are alive with energetic students. Football and bas


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