英国节假日PPT-Holidays and Festivals in Britain.ppt

英国节假日PPT-Holidays and Festivals in Britain.ppt

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英国节假日PPT-Holidays and Festivals in Britain

Holidays and Festivals in Britain Holidays and Festivals in Britain Throughout the year the British celebrate many holidays which reflect the religious,historical, social and cultural diversity( 多样性) of their country. What almost all of the holidays have in common---whether they are local, regional( 区域性的) or national---is that they provide an opportunity for families and friends to get together. Holidays and Festivals in Britain Religious Holidays(宗教节日) : Christmas/ Easter National Holidays(国定假日) Holidays in the 4 nations Religious Holidays: Christmas Three Christmas Traditions 1.The Christmas Pantomime( 哑剧) 2.Hearing the Queen’s speech 3.Boxing Day(节礼日,圣诞节后的第一个工作日) The Christmas Pantomime( 哑剧)---a comical(幽默的) musical play /based on children’s story /main male character “the principal boy”(哑剧中的男主角) /main female character “the Dame”(女爵士) . Hearing the Queen’s speech---over TV and radio / talk about past years and express hopes for the future. Boxing Day(节礼日,圣诞节后的第一个工作日)---one day after Christmas/(traditionally) give gifts or money to staff or servants(仆人)/ (now) shopping, visiting, eating relaxing. Religious Holidays: Easter Easter is for church goers(经常去做礼拜的人) and commemorates(纪念) the Crucifixion(十字架) and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The main symbol of Easter is the Easter egg(复活节彩蛋), originally(最初) a Christian(基督徒) symbol of new life. Nowadays people give each other chocolate(巧克力) or candy. Easter Eggs are often very large ,elaborate(精心制作的) and expensive. National Holidays One of Britain’s most impressive and colorful festival happens on the second Saturday in June when the Queen’s Birthday is officially celebrated by“Trooping the Color(行军旗敬礼分列式)” around Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫(英国皇宫)) in London,its pomp(盛况) and ceremony(典礼) draws hundreds of people. Holidays in the 4 nations England---Bonfire Night(篝火之夜) / Guy Fawkes Night(盖伊·福克斯之夜(11月5日焚人像并燃放焰火之夜)/ celebrated in the early autumn/commemorate(庆祝,纪念) a plan to blow up(炸


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