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The Press, Radio and Television Daily Papers(日报) Sunday Papers(周日报纸) Evening and Provincial Paper (晚报地方报) 4.Periodicals(期刊) 5.Radio and Television(广播电视节目) 1. Daily Papers morning daily and Sunday national papers provincial morning dailies, evening papers weekly local paper The dominating position of the national daily morning papers ---the smallness of the country Disadvantage---lack regional identity The press is mostly owned by five large organisations reason---independent small newspaper-publishers find it very difficult to survive the huge organisations differ from one another and are not static(静态的) Two main kinds of national dailies The quality papers (The Times, The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph) give more comprehensive(综合的,广泛的) coverage of all aspects of news The popular papers aim for a more general readership(读者人数) cost less The Times the most famous of all British newspapers made an change in the 1960s reason: it was losing money the most important British people all over the world still read it and use it to annouce births, marriages and deaths it is politicaly independent but traditionally inclined to be more sympathetic to the Controvative Party it has a reputation for extreme caution in its attitudes The Guardian it was called Manchester Guardian until 1959 it is perhaps best described as radical it is favourable to the Liberal Party and tends to be rather closer in symphathy to the Laber Party than to the Conservatives intelligent people find The Times is too uncritical of established interests while The Guardian is much better Daily Telegraph theoretically independent, but in practice very close to being an organ of the Conservative Party belonging to the same class of The Times and The Guardian Its circulation(1,400,000) is twice as great as that of The Times(340,000) and The Guardian(350,000) together. possible reason:price is lower Daily Express it reflect rather nationalistic(民族主义的) and imperialistic(帝国主义的) owes much


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