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Behind every successful man, there is a woman and behind every unsuccessful man, there are two. 每个成功的男人后面都有一个女人;每个不成功的男人后面都有两个女人。 ―萧伯纳 I was born intelligent - education ruined me. 我生下来时很聪明的――教育把我给毁了。 ―萧伯纳 Practice makes perfect..... But nobody is perfect...... so why practice? 完美无缺苦练来……但没有一个人是完美无缺的……所以干吗要苦练呢? ―萧伯纳 If its true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for? 有人说我们来到这个世上就是要帮助别人的,倘若此话非虚,那么请问,别人来到这个世界又是干什么的? ―萧伯纳 The wise never marry and when they marry they become otherwise. 明白人从不结婚,结了婚就不明白了。 ―萧伯纳 he more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why learn? 学得越多,知道得越多。知道得越多,忘得越多。忘得越多,知道得越少。那么何必学呢? ―萧伯纳 Famous Words “I knew if I stayed around long enough, something like this would happen.” 我早就知道无论我活多久, 这种事情迟早是要发生的 George Bernard Shaw’s epitaph(墓志铭): 萧伯纳戏剧节 (Shaw Festival) 在尼亚加拉湖滨小镇(Niagara-on-the-Lake),每年4月初至10月底举办的萧伯纳戏剧节(Shaw Festival)。 George Bernard Shaw (1856 ~ 1950) 张建荣 胡燕平 Life experience 1 Works 2 Pygmalion 3 Quatations 4 Life Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin, Ireland, of English parentage in 1856. He was interested in literature, music and art. He left school at 16 and started to work. He had much contact with the poor people and came to know their miserable life. Between 1879 and 1883, he started to attend public meetings. In 1884, he joined the Fabian Society. From 1885, he served as a critic of music and drama, he introduced a new standar ind judging performers and composers. When the First World War broke out, he denounced those imperialist war-launchers in his book, Common Sense About the War. In 1925, he won the Nobel Prize. He visited the former Soviet Union in 1931. In 1933, he visited China and met Madam Song Qingling and Mr. Lu Xun. Major Works Widowers Houses (1892) 《鳏夫的房产》 Mrs. Warren‘s Profession (1894)《华伦夫人的职业》 Caesar and Cleopatra (1898)《凯萨与克丽奥佩拉 》 Man and Superman (1903)《人与超人》 Major Barbara (1905


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