英国 英文介绍.ppt

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英国 英文介绍

The UK Brief Introduction of the UK Geographical Features Culture and Social life Brief Introduction of the UK Union Jack is the national flag of the United Kingdom. The National Emblem The National flower:rose four parts Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. Capital: Edinburgh. Wales is in the west of Great Britain. Capital: Cardiff England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section. Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital: Belfast. famous places Buckingham palace 宫前维多利亚像Victoria Memorial famous universities 1 剑桥大学(Cambridge) 2 牛津大学(Oxford ) 3 伦敦政治经济学院(LSE ) 4 圣安德鲁斯大学(St Andrews) 5 帝国理工学院(Imperial) 6 杜伦大学(Durham) 7 巴斯大学(Bath) 8 埃克塞特大学(Exeter) 9 伦敦大学学院(UCL) 10 华威大学(Warwick) Geographical Features Britain is situated in Western Europe and is separated from the European continent by the North Sea, the Strait of Dover(多佛尔海峡)and the English Channel(英吉利海峡). To the west of it lies the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋), across and beyond it is America. Britain is divided into highland area and lowland area. It has large mountain ranges : the Pennies ,The Cumbrian Mountain Range, the Grampian Mountains , the Cambrian Mountain important rivers as Thames River ,the Seven River Mercy River, the Humber, the Clyde River and the Forth. Mid-latitude oceanic climate Plentiful precipitation throughout the year.Temperature variations throughout the year are relatively small. Culture and Social life BBC (founded in 1922), the independent Televison Commission (ITC founded in 1972), the Radio Authority. Sports Cricket, soccer, Rugby football, tennis, golf 4. higher education only one privately funded university: the University of Buckingham oldest universities: Oxford (12th C.) and Cambridge (13th C.) the first degree (the Bachelor’s degree) courses are mainly full time and last 3 years, except in Scotland where they take 4 years 英国学位可分为学士学位(Bache


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