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Francis Bacon The Novum Organum (New Instrument) The New Atlantis Essays Paradise Lost An epic poem in blank verse by John Milton. Concerns the Biblical story of the Fall of Man: the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Miltons purpose, is to justify the ways of God to men. Its roots lie in Miltons earliest youth. Having gone totally blind, Milton wrote Paradise Lost entirely through dictation with the help of amanuenses and friends. Often ill, suffering from gout Suffering emotionally after the early death of his second wife and the death of their infant daughter Main Characters Satan (the first major character) A tragic figure, unwilling to be subjugated by God and his Son The narrative role of an anti-hero Deeply arrogant, albeit powerful, cunning and deceptive charismatic. Rally the angels to continue in the rebellion after their defeat in the Angelic War. Argues that God rules as a tyrant and that all the angels ought to rule as gods. Main Characters Theme Marriage The husband and wife depend on each other and only through each other’s differences are able to thrive Be entity separated from the church. Idolatry The practice of constructing temples and other buildings to serve as places of worship. Paradise Regained Connected by name to his earlier and more famous epic poem Paradise Lost, with which it shares similar theological themes. Reinforcing the idea that everything lost in the first epic is going to be regained by the end of the mini-epic. Deals with the subject of the temptation of Christ. Focuses on the idea of hunger, both in a literal and in a spiritual sense. Samson Agonistes A tragic closet drama Emphasizes Samson as a warrior or an athlete Theme Violence: revenge and the destruction of Gods enemies Women: a negative portrayal of love and loves effects, criticizes women for being deceptive ; underline the proper role of a wife but also the superiority of men R


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