英国文学Chapter5 English Literature of Early Nineteenth Century.ppt

英国文学Chapter5 English Literature of Early Nineteenth Century.ppt

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英国文学Chapter5 English Literature of Early Nineteenth Century

Chapter 5 English Literature of Early Nineteenth Century Lecturer: Joyce Contents The Brief Introduction about Romanticism The Zeitgeist of this Period Genre and Representatives The Romantic Poets Literary Ideas Appreciations on the masterpieces Introduction to Romanticism The Romantic Period: The Romantic period is the period is generally said to have begun in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads and to have ended in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott’s death and the passage of the first Reform Bill in the Parliament. It is emphasized the special qualities of each individual’s mind. Social and Political Background 1. Time Span: 1798-1832 [1785~1830 (Norton Anthology of English Literature)] 2. American and French Revolution The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), also known as the American War of Independence broke out with an outcry “all men are created equal”. The French Revolution (1789~1799): the prison Bastille collapsed, the Declaration of the Rights of Man approved Results: ideals of equality, liberty, fraternity, and a vision of a better future among people. The government: more conservative and repressive. 3. In Economy: The first wave of Industrial Revolution: trading and manufacturing flourished (Manchester, Edinburgh, Liverpool), 1/4 of humanity, control over the sea, the sun never set. Laissez-faire policy (let alone): low wages, horrible working conditions, miserable women and children labors. 4. Labor Warfare: working class worse off with no protection and no power, but poverty and starvation—urban proletariat, Resulting in societies of all kinds appeared. Zeitgeist Placing emotion and intuition before (or at least on an equal footing with) reason; A belief that there are crucial areas of experience neglected by the rational mind; and A belief in the general importance of the individual, the personal and the subjective. Features 熟悉 centrifugal (against 18th century’s centripetal) a revolt aga


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