英国文学 John Bunyan and fiction.ppt

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英国文学 John Bunyan and fiction

Suspense, wonder, deep thought: (8) What is characteristic of the wording and of the sentence structure? (9) What is the moral sense of the story? Style, theme Literature often refers to imaginative literature, that is, the writer makes full use of his imagination to relate the story, to express his thoughts, emotion, making the readers feel pleasant, simulated and moved, and gaining more knowledge, enlarging wider vision, and purifying feelings. Ways of Analysis of a Literary Works Literature has many forms. And for “genre”, poetry, fictions and drama are the main literary forms. Fictions are easier to be accepted for the learners for they have lots of plots, rich language and are close to life. In writing, fictions include description, narration, emotionalizing as well as dialogues and comments. Plot Plot A Sequence of Interrelated Actions or Events 情节:一些关联的行为或事件 (1) Conflict in Plot external conflict a basic opposition between man and nature, man and society, man and man two or more elements contesting within the protagonist’s own character internal conflict Five Stages of Plot 1. Exposition展示 2.Complication加剧化 3. Crisis/Climax 4. Falling action转折 5. Resolution/Conclusion Beginning Middle End background information, scene (if any), situation or atmosphere, dates the action, characters, the conflict, the rising action, develops intensifies the conflict The Order of Plot A. Chronological Plotting B. Flashback C. Interleaving片段倒叙 D. Cliffhanger连续的悬念插曲 the narrative at one point jumps backwards (from the lovers on a balcony to the busy market place below) one episode ends with a moment of uncertainty about what will happen next——suspense—— and leads to another episode (as commonly used by Charles Dickenson) Plot brings order out of life and it focuses and clarifies (explain解析) life. Characters Characters Characters: The People in Fiction 人物:小说中的人们 (1)Protagonist Antagonist


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