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Deeply rooted in the hearts of the people of the British film roles; The game , is on !;Sherlock Holmes , is a fictional detective character, by the 19th century British detective novelist Arthur Conan Doyle shaped the image of a brilliant detective. Holmes not only calm, observant, strong reasoning ability; Moreover, his martial arts, boxing, and the level of violin playing is quite superb. ;Baker street 221b;—— from dr.Watson;I am Bond , James Bond .;James band;6 either 007 : Daniel Craig ; Since 1952, Ian Fleming began to create the first 007 novel, the world was more than half a century enduring hot. 2012 is the 50th anniversary of the 007 series movie, the UK and the world will salute to the worlds most famous virtual agent.; If you aspire to become an important figure, you can think of yourself as 007.;Fear of a name increases fear of a thing itself.;Harry potter;Harry potter is unique, it also attracted children, adolescents and adults . For children, harry potter is surrendered to the dragon prince in the fairy tale ; For teenagers, he is the young students in the real world ; For adults, he was overcome the typical hero of vision, change the world.; British household virtual characters must belong to them! This three men god on behalf of the British spirit, not afraid of evil forces, persistence go forward! Magic, credible, justice, and precise, it is lack of personality, and just make up the public psychological defects.;Thanks for your watching~


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