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Where To Go In Britain;Madame Tussauds (杜莎夫人蜡像馆);Madame Tussauds is one of Londons most famous and lasting institution. This collection of waxworks(蜡像) was opened in 1835.And it has many branches (分馆)all of the world. Exhibits include historical figures(历史人物),politicians(政治家),entertainers(艺人),and in the Chamber of Horrors(恐怖屋) reconstructions of hideous crimes(丑恶罪行).;In the Madame Tussauds, Horror House(恐怖屋) is very famous.During the French Revolution, she found the decapitated head(被斩首的头颅) in many victims heap of corpses(尸体),making mask for them. This part of the exhibition, including the victims in the French Revolution and the new various killers’ and criminals’ image.;;There are some realistic image in branches(分馆) of the Madame Tussauds.;;St Paul’s Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂;St Paul’s Cathedral Wren drew up plans for a new cathedral on this site almost before the ashes of the old cathedral(ruined during the Great Fire of London in 1666) had grown cold. It is crowned by a beautiful central dome(中央穹顶),365 feet above ground level at its highest point and 112 feet in diameter,which contains the famous Whispering Gallery(回音壁). There are several hundred monuments(纪念碑) in the cathedral,as well as the imposing tombs of such notables as the Duke of Wellington(惠灵顿公爵) and Lord Nelson(纳尔逊勋爵).;Tower of London 伦敦塔;William the Conqueror built the Tower of London as a reminder to the citizens of the City of his unassailable power. At the heart of the complex is the White Tower(白塔).It is one of the earliest and largest buildings of its kind in Western Europe and contains the Chapel of St John(圣约翰教堂),which displays Norman architecture(诺尔曼建筑) at its simplest and most dramatic. ;The Tower has been used as palace,treasure house,menagerie and — most famously — prison. The Tower is also famous for its Beefeaters(伦敦塔卫兵),splendidly dressed officers;and for its ravens(乌鸦),sinister black birds that strut over Tower Green(格林塔)—scene of many executions.; Westminster Abbey 威斯敏特教堂 ;Henry Ⅲ began t


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