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LOGO If You Havent Been To a Pub, You Havent Been to Britain. Pub-- The word’s history can be traced back to the Victorian era, the pub is called“public house”,And the pub is the thumbnail from the name. In addition to the pub, bar, England’s pub has some other names,such as :the ale house(烈性麦酒屋)、the inn(小酒馆)、the tavern(酒馆)、the gin palace(杜松子酒馆)等 Britian Pub has been one thousand years of history, the development has formed a “Pub Culture”. Now in Britian, there are several thousands of large and small bars opened.British people often go to the bar after work ,and they will drink, chat, and gradually dissipate fatigue and trouble, therefore, the bar culture becomes formed one important way of life. In continental Europe, outdoor cafe is a social activity or leisure place often, but in UK, because of the cloudy and misty weather,Pubs or Public Houses replace the position of the cafe. Why is the British pub well-known ? Pub Names Most British’s pubs have beautiful names,such as “美人鱼”(TheMermaid)、 “红房子”(The Red House)、“森林古堡”(Cattle in Forest)、“快乐的水手”(The Jolly Sailor)、“迷人的港湾”(Charming Port)等。 Opening Hours British pubs are required to have a license, which is difficult to obtain, and allows the pub to operate for up to 24 hours. Most pubs are open from 11 to 11. 在英国,酒吧都具有非常严格的打烊时间,现在通常是晚上11点。于是,在10点30分的时候,就可以听到酒吧清脆的打烊铃。这时候再消费就是今天的Last Order(最后点酒),超过这个时间以后,无论是谁都不能再要酒喝;而11点的时候,即使客人的兴致再高,也不得不离开酒吧,最多停留20分钟喝完余酒。 ? Public Bar Saloon Bar Classification of Pubs 1 Public Bar (大众酒吧) talk drink dance play games listen to music In a bar, people can not only drink the wine and chat, can also entertain, play games,多米诺牌游戏(dominoes)、投镖(darts)、类似保龄球(bowling)]、台球(pool or billiards)、纸牌(cards)和推硬币游戏(shove-halfpenny)(用手把一个半便士的硬币推往带格的木盘里)等。 Public Bar 2 Saloon Bar(沙龙酒吧) Peaceful and quiet Expensive For higher level The kinds of beer 熟啤酒(lager) 苦啤酒(bitter) 黑啤酒(guinness) 淡啤酒(pale ale) 淡味啤酒(mild) 生啤酒(dra


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