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A Syntactic Study on the Englishization of Modern Written Chinese: Take Beijing Youth Daily As a Case (标题 三号粗体) I. Introduction (一级标题 四号粗体) (本部分重点:选题动机,国内外研究趋势,本研究价值) It is noticed in the English to Chinese translation course that some of the complex compound sentences tend to be translated into rather long Chinese sentences with basically the same English sequence and the form of its original one. What really piques my interest is such long Chinese sentences with obvious English features are well accepted by Chinese youth and some young writers in China build their sentences with large amount of Englishized Chinese structures in their works. In the meantime, the study of English as lingual Franca or global language which definitely impacts Chinese language has become an important aspect of English language and culture studies. Some of features of English are believed to penetrate into Chinese language not only at the vocabulary level but also syntax one, especially in the past three decades after the adoption of the policy of reform and opening. This penetration is shown by the enforcement of policy that since 2010, the General Administration of Press and Publication of China has banned English words interspersed in Chinese publications. It may be a proof of language over contact. And the fact is prevailing that the longer sentences with three or even five attributes are much more accepted especially by the young people than before, while standard Chinese sentences are suggested to be short sentences whose form is often compared to the structure of bamboo. This phenomenon, termed Englishization by some scholars (Wang, Xie etc.), is the manifestation of language contact. (正文 小四号字 Times New Rome 1.5倍行距,页面设置为上下左右均是2.5厘米,和系毕业论文要求一致) So, this study is hoped to find out at what level that English has affected Chinese language by the systematic and methodical analysis of data collected from newspaper. II. Literature Review (有重要概念先界定概念;另国、内外研究两部分如出现不均衡现象,即国外研究或者国内研究过



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