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Part I Writing.   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Civil Servant Test Craze. Your essay should start with a brief description of the picture. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.   1、1.有人做好事期望得到回报;   2.有人认为应该像雷锋那样做好事不图回报;   3.我的观点。   Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? A.Surfing the net.   B.Watching a talk show.   C.Packing a birthday girl.   D.Shopping at a jewelry store.   2、   A.He enjoys finding fault with exams.   B.He is sure of his success in the exam.   C.He doesnt know if he can do well in the exam.   D.He used to get straight As in the exams he took.   3、   A.The man is generous with his good comments on people.   B.The woman is unsure if there will be peace in the world.   C.The woman is doubtful about newspaper stories,   D.The man is quite optimistic about human nature.   4、   A.Study for some profession.   B.Attend a medical school.   C.Stay in business.   D.Sell his shop.   5、   A.More money.   B.Fair treatment.   C.A college education.   D.Shorter work hours.   6、   A.She was exhausted from her trip.   B.She missed the comforts of home.   C.She was impressed by Mexican food.   D.She will not go to Mexico again.   7、   A.Cheer herself up a bit.   B.Find a more suitable job.   C.Seek professional advice.   D.Take a psychology course.   8、   A.He dresses more formally now.   B.What he wears does not match his position.   C.He has ignored his friends since graduation.   D.He failed to do well at college.   9、Conversation One.   听材料,回答下列问题:   A.To go sightseeing.   B.To have meetings.   C.To promote a new champagne.   D.To join in a training program,   10、   A.It can reduce the number of passenger complaints.   B.It can make air travel more entertaining.   C.It can cut down the expenses for air travel.   D.It can lessen the discomfort caused by air travel. 11、   A.Took balanced meals with champagne.   B.Ate vegetables and fruit only.   C.Refrained from fish


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