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练习四1-5课 (一) Why is it that when you study a foreign language, you never learn the little phrases that 在外语学习中,有一些简单的词组,一旦掌握, 就能让你不知不觉地进入另一种文化, let you slip into a culture without all your foreignness exposed?Every Chinese—language 而丝毫不暴露你作为一个外国人的痕迹,但你为什么总是学不会呢? 每本汉语 textbook starts out with the standard phrase for greeting people;but as an American, 课本都是从问候语开始的。 但是,作为美国人, I constantly found myself tongue—tied when it came to seeing guests off at the door.An abrupt 每当要我送客出门时,我总是舌头打结。 唐突地 goodbye would not do.yet that was all I had ever learned from these books.So I would smile 说声再见是不行的, 然而,那是我从这些课本里所学到的一切了。因此我只能微笑、 and nod.bowing like a Japanese and trying to find words that would smooth over the visitors, 点头, 像个日本人似地鞠躬, 并拼命地想找些话来说, leaving and make them feel they would be welcome to come again.In my fluster,I often hid 以缓和离别的气氛,使他们觉得我确实欢迎他们下次再来。 因此, 我常常靠我 behind my Chinese husband’s graciousness. 的中国丈夫的彬彬有礼来掩盖自己的慌乱。 Then finally,listening to others,I began to pick up the phrases that eased relations and 后来, 听得多了, 我开始学会了说一些话,使送客的气氛轻松了许多, sent people off with a feeling of mission not only accomplished but surpassed. 感到我不仅完成了任务,而且完成得很出色。 (二) Another factor emphasizing the market importance of the youth is that this is the time 强调青少年在市场方面的重要作用的另一因素是,青少年时期 when brand loyalties may be formed that could last well into adulthood.For example, a 是养成对商品牌子信赖的时候,而这种信赖感会一直延续到成年。 比如, brand—loyalty study done by Seventeen magazine found that at least 30 percent of adult 《十七岁》杂志做了一个有关商品牌子信赖的研究, 发现至少有百分之三十的成年 women were using the same brands they first chose as teenagers.Translated into total 妇女还在用她们少女时代所选择的牌子。 若完全用市场 market figures,the findings would mean,for instance,that 6,760,000 women still are 数字表示, 研究结果表明           6,760,000位妇女还在用同样 using the same brand of cosmetics and 8,900,000 still are eating the same kind of packaged 牌子的化妆品,


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