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词组整理 第一学期 Unit 1 各行各业的人:people from all walks of life 从事不同的职业:take up different occupations 长大:grow up 教育机构:educational institutions 在每个学期末:at the end of every term 获得/学习新知识:gain new knowledge 参与/忙于很多工作:be involved in many tasks 老师对于学生的影响:teacher’s impact on students 贯穿/持续某人一生:stay all through one’s lives 由…组成:be made up of 给病人做手术:operate on sick people 治疗:medical treatment 意味着生死之别:mean the difference between life and death 接听电话:answer the telephone calls 接待来访者:receive visitors 被认为是:be regarded as 把文件排放整齐:put papers in good order 制订时间表:work out timetables 穿着最新款的衣服:be dressed in the latest styles of clothes 大量的观众:a large audience 很多年轻人:a large number of young people 跟随潮流:follow tends 穿得像时装模特:be dressed like fashion models 等待某人做某事:wait for sb to do sth 行医:practise medicine 虽然,尽管:even through 坚持/执意让某人做某事:insist (that) sb (should) do sth 下定决心做某事:make up one’s mind to do sth 和他意见不同:disagree with him 另一方面:on the other hand 强迫某人做某事:force sb to do sth 对…产生兴趣:take an interest in sth 做决定:make a decision 独自:on one’s own 放弃:give up 签到:check in 高中/大学毕业:graduate from high school/university 对…表示感激:be grateful to sb for doing sth 从那时起:from then on 照顾:take care of 越来越多的:more and more 尽最大的努力做某事:do one’s best to do sth 面带自信的微笑:wear a confident smile Unit 2 作为…而被人牢记:be remembered as 在年纪还小时 at an early age 属于 belong to 能够做某事:be able to do sth 一个接一个的问题:one problem after another 到…之前,不迟于 bu the time 被公认为:be generally regarded as 杰出的雕塑家之一:one of the outstanding sculptors 起初,一开始:at first 拒绝,回绝:turn down 把某人关起来:shut sb up 准备好了独自工作:get ready to work alone 某人花去…做某事:it takes sb sth to do sth 觉得很难想象:find it hard to image 经历:go through 仰卧:lie on one’s back 结果:as a result 习惯于向上看:become/be used to looking upwards 把信举过头顶:hold the letter over his hand 留给某人某物:leave sb with sth 忍不住:can’t help but do 情不自禁/不得不:can’t help doing sth 海内外的参观者:home and overseas visitors 赞赏这些杰作:admire these masterpieces 在某人20多岁的时候:in one’s 20’s 冲印胶片:develop films 让他们等太久:keep them waiting too long 装备有:be equipped with 等待考试


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