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英语习语典故趣谈 外语系 Chapter 5 Clothing Time Allotment:2 Teaching Objectives: Master some English idioms about clothing 1. At the drop of a hat 每当老师要埃米起立回答问题时,埃米都会立刻脸红。 Every time the teacher asks Amy to stand up and answer questions, Amy will blush at the drop of a hat. 我猜想姐姐恋爱了,因为一有电话想起,她就会马上冲过去接起来。 I guess my sister is falling in love with somebody because whenever the phone rings, she will rush to pick it up at the drop of a hat. 2. best bib and tucker 珍妮穿上了最漂亮的衣服要去参加今晚的舞会。 Jenny puts on her best bib and tucker for the party tonight. 3. Cash on the nail 约瑟用现金买了一台新车,费用比分期付款便宜。 Joseph paid cash on the nail for a new car, which was cheaper than buying in installment. 4. Dyed in the wool 杰瑞个性固执,不愿意听其他人的任何意见。 Jerry is dyed in the wool and he doesn’t listen to any others’ opinions. 芬妮很喜欢篮球,而且是芝加哥公牛队的忠实支持者。 Fanny loves basketball very much and is a dyed-in-the-wool Chicago Bulls supporter. 5. Feather in one’s cap 汉克受邀参加总统府的记者会,可真是件值得骄傲的事,因为能参加的记者有限。 It was a feather in Hank’s cap that he was invited to the news conference held in the presidential palace, which had limitation on the number of reporters. 6. Get down to brass tacks 我们已经花了太多时间在没有意义的细节上,何不来谈谈更重要的问题? We have spent too much time on meaningless details. Why don’t we get down to brass tacks? 7. Get the sack 尼克在公司第三次裁员中被解雇。 Nick got the sack last week in the third-round of layoffs in the company. 萨拉的老板因为她泄漏公司机密而将她解雇。 Sarah’s boss gave her the sack because she disclosed company’s secrets. 8. Have several irons in the fire 玛姬加入了学生会,并负责好几项工作。 Maggie joins the students’ union and has several irons in the fire. 9. Line one’s pocket 威廉在上礼拜被革职了,因为他被发现在过去三年里中饱私囊。 William was fired last week because he had been found lining his pocket for the past three years. 10. As mad as a hatter 苏菲亚非常聪明有才智,但是有时候却疯疯癫癫的。 Sophia is very clever and intelligent but sometimes she is as mad as a hatter. 11. Off the cuff 乔治被指派参加英语演讲比赛,他必须在当天做即席演讲。 George is appointed to join the English speech contest and he has to deliver a


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