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* * * * * Egypt Egypt is probably the worlds oldest civilization having emerged from the Nile Valley around 3,100 BC, historically. 地跨亚、非两大洲,西连利比亚,南接苏丹,东临红海并与巴勒斯坦、以色列接壤,北临地中海 ,面积100.145万平方公里。 Across Asia, Africa and the two continents, the west Libya, Sudan, the south east, the Red Sea, and with the Palestinians, the Israeli border and north to the Mediterranean Sea. An area of 1.00145 million square kilometers 世界最长的河流尼罗河从南到北贯穿埃及,被称为埃及的“生命之河”。尼罗河两岸形成的狭长河谷和入海处形成的三角洲,是埃及最富饶的地区。 The worlds longest river Nile through Egypt from south to north, known as Egypts river of life. The formation of the narrow Nile Valley and into the sea to form the delta, is Egypts most fertile regions. 尼罗河的源头 埃及有约2900公里的海岸线,但却是典型的沙漠之国,全境95%为沙漠。全境干燥少雨。尼罗河三角洲和北部沿海地区属地中海型气侯,1月平均气温12℃,7月26℃;年平均降水量50—200毫米。其余大部分地区属热带沙漠气侯,炎热干燥,沙漠地区气温可达40℃,年平均降水量不足30毫米。每年4—5月间常有“五旬风”,夹带沙石,使农作物受害。 Egypt, about 2900 kilometers of coastline, but it is a typical desert country, 95 percent throughout the desert. The Nile Delta and the northern coastal area is a Mediterranean-type climate, in January the average temperature of 12 ℃, July 26 ℃; annual average precipitation is 50-200 mm. Most of the remaining area is a tropical desert climate, hot and dry, desert regions temperatures can reach 40 ℃, annual average precipitation is less than 30 mm. West of the Nile is western desert, also called Libya desert. It is the worlds largest desert - part of the Sahara desert, accounting for approximately two-thirds of Egypt area. The Nile Edom eastern desert, is also called the Arabian desert. It matches the shore of the red sea, relief from the east to the west tilt, red sea coast mountainous, altitude 1500 meters 金字塔 Pyramids Built 4,000 years ago, the three great pyramids at Giza, in the Egyptian desert remain the most colossal1 buildings ever constructed. 矗立在埃及沙漠中吉萨的三座大金字塔建于4000年前,它们一直都是有史以来最宏大的建筑。 The great pyramid, also known as Khufu, is 770 feet on one side and 481 feet tall .最大的金字塔——胡夫金字塔,每边长770英尺,高481英尺。


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