英语国家概况chapter 16.ppt

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英语国家概况chapter 16

   3.Demands in social, political and economic areas   In the social area, the demands were improved living conditions for the poor in the cities, the banning of child labour, work hour limit for women workers, and industrial accident insurance.   In the political area, there were demands for reforming the city and state governments, and ending corruption which was evident in the Gilded Age.   In the economic area, there was an attempt to regulate big business to prevent price-fixing and control of the market.    4.Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, changes from the 19th century tradition of laissez faire, that is, the government should merely preserve order and protect property, leaving the control over the economy to the business people. 5.Roosevelt’s contributions: forest reserves, the Roosevelt Dam in Arizona; the active use of Sherman Antitrust Act; the Hepburn Act of 1906 to regulate railroad prices.    6.Wilson’s program of New Freedom: reduction of tariffs; Federal Reserve Act; regulation of trusts; the 19th amendment of voting right for women. 3.Effects: GNP shrank, unemployment went up, and banks failed; rural Americans were no better off, losing their land and other properties because of foreclosures; misery and personal sufferings were widespread, “tramps”.    4.In 1932 WWI veterans came to Washington D.C. to demand full payment of bonuses; army was called out, General McArthur. The New Deal 1.Roosevelt promised a new deal to get America out of the depression; not an idealist, not a dreamer, a great communicator—“fireside chats”   2.Inaugural speech: “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”   3.The New Deal: in the first 100 days, with the purpose of preventing the further worsening of the economic situation and helping the needy people. The aim was to “save American democracy.”  4.Government regulation and control of banking, credit and currency systems; establishment of the social security systems; recovery of industry and a


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