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Functions of the Media Newspapers The Times The Guardian The Daily Telegraph Fleet Street BBC Particular traditions: Christmas pantomime(童话剧) Queens Christmas message Boxing Day BBC The British Broadcasting Corporation Referred to as “Beeb” or “Auntie Beeb” Britain’s main public service broadcaster Started daily radio broadcaster in1922. Made its first TV brodacast in 1936. Always funded by levying television license fees. BBC remained the sole television news provider in Britain until 1955. Independent Television(ITV),founded in 1955,commercial. Sky in 1989,by Rupert Murdoch. In 1990,Sky merged with BSB to form BSkyB, Britain’s top pay television provider. The Importance of TV to British Politics The sessions (议会会议) to be televised in 1990. With TV,politicians literally come into our living roomand they have to seem more relaxed and friendly,as if they are speaking to us personally. Holidays and Festivals III Christmas Easter Trooping the Color Christmas Celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ Exchanging gifts and Christmas cards Preparing holiday foods Decorating homes and workplaces with colored lights, Christmas trees and ornaments Chapter 5 Education, Media and Holidays 英语国家概况 Holidays and Festivals Education Media I II III CONTENT Education I Educational Policy Educational System Educational Policy Compulsory education for all children between the ages of 5 and 16 Comprehensive schools introduced in the 1960s National Curriculum introduced in 1988 Four stages: primary secondary further education higher education Elementary and Secondary Education Two parallel school systems: National curriculum: State system—local authority maintained 93% (Free to all children between the ages of 5—16) Independent system—Public schools 7% (Parents pay for their childrens education) Compulsory in state school Optional in independent school state system—11-year compulsory educat


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