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英语四、六级作文速成法 一.写作基本框架 布局:(采用三、四段法) 第一段:(主题引入句+主题+引导句) 第二、三段:(段中心句+事例句+反向事例句+尾句) 第三、四段:(结尾段) 二.基本写作范例: 第一段: 1.What we today call (think/believe) 中心事物A was, indeed,中心事物 A of, by, and for ordinary, everyday “中心事物A” who with increasing prosperity and leisure,(这里可换词)created a market for of all kinds, and especially for中心事物A 引转。 Some believe that 抄题,but others believe that抄题。 3.I am of the opinion that 观点①is not only the imperative need of mankind but also one of the noblest aspirations we have in the present-day world, because原因简述。 第二段 The reason is not far to seek. Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, 第三段 In short, it follows from the foregoing discussion that this issue is to be settled by weighing the pros and cons and not by any arbitrary decision, therefore, we may con conclude that the argument (照抄自己的主题)is a viable one, inasmuch as it rests upon a fundamental principle of science and logic, namely, that of cause and effect. 三、写作技巧汇总、 1、开首段 (1)谚语法 谚语一般已为大家所接受,由它开头引出下文或提出作者本人的观点,也易为读者所接受,如: a. As the saying goes “Money makes the mare go”, but there are something that can’t be bought with money such as time and true love. b. As the saying goes “Time flies”, “Time is money”, how to spend your time properly is becoming increasingly important to everyone. 其中“Time is money”皆是谚语,说明文章内容的范围,从而引出主题,提出自己的观点。 若无谚语,则可用My grandmother told me that…… (2)定义法 有时对题目中关键词作一些简单或正面解释,限定其范围,也有利于引出主题。如: What is decisiveness? It doesn’t mean act rashly.(反面定义) b. What is advertisement? It is the words or pictures used on media. TV for example, to propagandize a certain product or give a warning to people(正式定义)。 本方法主要对写作中心事物进行定义或解释。 (3)提问法 提出一个或一连串问题,以激起读者兴趣,从而引出主题。如:Do you have many friends? Are they similar to you or different from you? Which kind of friends do you prefer? 本方法较难掌握,一般可以从对举、区别、喜爱、环境上去写。 (4)概括法 先概括总结文章内容涉及的现状,然后引出主题。如: In recent years, while our industries and businesses have developed quickly, the number of tree


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