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蝉房中学 八 年级 英语 科目电子备课 教师 张翠敏 章节 U2T1SB B 课题 Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Topic 1 You should brush your teeth twice a day. 教 学 项 目 修 改 意 见 教材 分析 Section B将生病、关心询问及提建议综合运用,呈现了提建议的另外两种说法sb. had better (not) do sth…和Why don’t you…? 对话中还呈现询问对方病情的问句及对病情的描述。 学生 分析 本节课主要活动为Section 。(1)2)don’t you…? 提建议。?  (1)’t 提建议: You should drink enough boiled water. You shouldn’t drink coffee or tea in the evening. 情感 态度 与价 值观 通过语言学习,教会学生信任他人、关心他人,为我们的健康生活创建友爱、和谐的氛围。 教学 重点 have a cold, have a fever, have a cough, have a headache, have a toothache, have a backache, have a stomachache等短语的理解及运用。 教学 难点 1. 培养学生根据单词的构成猜单词意思的能力。 2. 识别和记忆句型可以帮助学生更流利地说英语。 教学 方法 小组合作 Stage 1(4mins):Getting students ready for learning Step Teacher activity Student activity Designing purpose (Class activity) Get students ready for learning. Ask one student to give the daily Report. T: Today, our monitor of English would like to give a report about her sports plan. Please! T: Why does she like sports? T: Can you ask more questions according to her report? And who would you like to answer your question? Focus their attention on the teacher. Monitor gives the report while the others listen and try to understand. A sample: I like sports. Because I want to be stronger, healthier and more beautiful. I do exercise in the gym for one hour on Wednesday morning. On? Saturday afternoon, I often go to play PingPang with my father from 4:00 to 5:30. Tomorrow morning, I am going to fly a kite in the park. I think that its good?for our health to do much exercise.? S1: She wants to be more beautiful; S2: To be stronger; S3:To be healthier; S4: Yes. When does she do exercise in the gym for one hour ? S5,Please. S5:On Wednesday morning. 该部分目的在于吸引学生注意力,以便顺利展开本课学习。 Remark: 该部分可分两步进行:第一步进行师生间常规问候,拉近师生间距离;第二步进行常规任务——值日报告。 Stage 2(4mins):Pre-listening Step Teacher activity Student activity Designing purpose 1( Class work ) Lead to the new topic, and teach some new word. T:Yes, if we exercise every day, we wil


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