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英语基础篇 Basic English Study 1 词类 Parts of speech 10大类 ignition imagination information injury interference introduction invation invention invitation joint jubilance judgement justice keeness indness kingdom knowledge laughter ignite imagine inform injure interfere introduce invade invent invite join jubilant judge just keen kind king know laugh abandonment abbreviation ability abolishment absence accommodation accuracy acidity action addition advertisement affluence agreement analysis anger anxiety appearance application abondon abbreviate able abolish absent accommodate accurate acid act add advertise affluent agree analyse angry anxious appear apply Nouns Words Nouns Words laziness loan likeness life length loss loyalty madness magic maintainance manliness marriage mixture movement multiplication necessity neighbourhood obedience lazy lend like live long lose loyal mad magical maintain manly marry mix move multiply necessary neighbour obey absorption acceptance approval assessment assumption attendance attraction arrival badness baggage bakery beauty beggar beginning behaviour belief beloging betterment absorb accept approve assess assume attend attract arrive bad bag bake beautiful beg begin behave believe belong better Nouns Words Nouns Words 冠词 Articles 冠词放在名词之前,帮助说明该名词所指的对象。 冠词分为定冠词和不定冠词两种。 Article is placed infront of a noun, it helps to explain the object reffered to the noun. There are two types of Articles – Definite and Indefinite 定冠词 Definite Article 定冠词只有一个,既the,表示某一类人或事物中特定的一个或一些。 可用于单数或复数名词前 。 The is a definite article. It is used before singular or plural nouns when the noun is particular or specific. Example: Gary dives into the sea. Put the bag over there. The boys are exhausted. The用于不可数名词前表示某特定事物。 The is used with uncountable nouns which refer to aomething specific. Example: The milk in the glass is cold. The Korean that he picks up is useful. The不用于不可数名词前某一般意义的事物。 The is not used with uncountable nouns which refer to something in a general sen


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