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Chill (v.) To relax or to calm down. Examples: You need to chill. That guy needs to chill. I’m chilling. Shady / Sketchy (adj.) Looks untrustworthy, suspicious or looks bad. Examples: That guy looks shady. Seems pretty sketchy to me. I don’t know man, the whole thing sounds pretty sketchy. Overrated / Underrated (adj.) Overrated = Something that a lot of people say is good, but is actually not as good as they say it is. Underrated = Something people think is not good, but is actually better than they think. Baller (n.) Someone who is considered cool, or is rich. Example: That guy is a baller. Loaded (adj.) Someone who is rich / has a lot of money. Straight (adj.) Someone who is not gay Example: I’m a straight person. I am not gay. I am 100% straight. Smoke (v.) To beat someone / To win against an opponent. Example: I smoked the competition. That guy got smoked. Smoke him/her! Bounce (v.) To go / To leave Example: I got to bounce. See you later! The movie is starting soon, got to bounce. Sorry (name), I got to bounce. Stoned (adj.) To look scared, nervous, drunk or frozen. Example: That guy looks stoned. Duped / Played / Had (v.) Tricked / Lied to Example: I’ve been duped. You’ve been had. We’ve been played. I duped that man. Greenhorn (n.) Someone who is new. Example: Our new employee is a greenhorn. Don’t worry greenhorn, you’ll get better. Introverted / Extraverted (adj.) Introverted = Someone who doesn’t talk a lot(shy). Extraverted = Someone who is more outgoing. Endeavor (v.) To have a goal. A desire to achieve something. Example: I endeavor to get a good job. I hope to be successful in my endeavors. Under the Weather Look sick, or not well. Example: You look under the weather. You seem to be under the weather. LOL / LMAO / ROFL 哈哈哈 Give the boot! To kick someone out. To fire someone. Example: My boss gave me the boot. I gave that guy the boot.


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