英语外研版八年级上册module7 unit2 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 第一课时.ppt

英语外研版八年级上册module7 unit2 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 第一课时.ppt

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英语外研版八年级上册module7 unit2 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 第一课时

What were you doing at this time yesterday? What was happening yesterday? What were we doing at 10:30 yesterday morning? We were learning a famous story called… Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland;sit;What was Alice doing while she was falling?;Because she saw the rabbit and followed it.;Listen and number.;3 Number the events in the order they happened. a) Alice landed on some dry leaves. b) Alice was sitting by the river with her sister. c) Alice fell down a hole. d) A rabbit ran by. e) Alice ran across the field after the rabbit.;Alice was sitting with her sisterby the river.; 1. Alice was reading a book. 2.The rabbit took a watch out of its pocket. 3.The white rabbit went into a hole. 4. Alice went into the hole after the rabbit.;Read P1-2 and fill in the blanks:;What happened to Alice? ;1.在河边 2. 没事可做 3.一两次,偶尔 4.既没有图片也没有对话 5.没什么奇怪的事 6.看见/听见某人做了某事 7.拿出 8.越过田野 9. 考虑 10.落在;看 图 说 话;看 图 说 话;看 图 说 话;看 图 说 话;看 图 说 话;看 图 说 话;看 图 说 话;看 图 说 话;看 图 说 话;看 图 说 话;;sit… with… read a book have nothing to do;What happened next?;…;Alice was sitting with her sister by the river and her sister was reading in a book. She was falling down a very , very deep hole. While she was falling, she was thinking about her cat.;I play basketball every day. I played basketball yesterday. I am going to play basketball tomorrow. I am playing basketball now. I was playing basketball at ten o’clock yesterday.;the past continuous tense (过去进行时);过去时和过去进行时的区别;1. They ____________ (cook) at 8 o’clock yesterday. 2. When I _____(see) her two hours ago, she __________ (talk) to somebody. 3. A: What _______ you ________ (do) at this time last week? B: I _____________(get) for the ready Maths test. ;现在进行时和过去进行时的区别:   表示说话时正在进行的动作用现在进行时。   表示过去某时正在进行的动作要用过去进行时。 ;At 9:00 last night ; 1. 描述在过去某一时刻正在进行的动作 (a)They were eating breakfast at 7:00 am yesterday . (b) I was writing a letter at this time yesterday . (c) It was 8:00 , Danny was looking out of the wind


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