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巴基斯坦的位置 Pakistan is referred to as \halal\. Now the capital in Islamabad. Pakistan is a commonwealth member states. Pakistan is a multi-ethnic country, more than 97% of the residents believe in Islam (Anglican church), a Christian, Hindu.巴基斯坦被称为 “清真之国”。现在首都位于伊斯兰堡。巴基斯坦是英联邦成员国 巴基斯坦是一个多民族国家, 97%以上的居民信奉伊斯兰教(国教),少数信奉基督教、印度教。 Pakistan is Chinas most steadfast friends! Pakistan is among the first to recognize one of the countries in our country. On May 21, 1951, China formally established diplomatic relations between the two countries. 巴基斯坦是中国最坚定的友国!巴基斯坦是最早承认我国的国家之一。1951年5月21日,中巴两国正式建立外交关系。 Eid-ul-Fitl is the most important festival in Pakistan 开斋节是巴基斯坦最重要的节日 Pakistan Day :Every year on March 23 New Year‘s day, Pakistanis always like to wear Pretty in pink to go out, see the relatives and friends after the “New Year”, was pretty in besmear is on each other on his forehead, said lucky auspicious.新年这天,巴基斯坦人总喜欢戴上红粉出门,见了亲友道“新喜”后,便相互将红粉涂在对方额头上,以表示幸运吉祥。 Pakistan people like spicy food, they use pepper, turmeric etc do curry food is famous for the world. 巴基斯坦人喜欢吃香辣的食品,他们用胡椒等做的咖喱食品闻名世界。 Important life habit temperance 禁酒 On the diet ,fewer vegetables, mainly beef and mutton. 饮食上,蔬菜偏少,以牛羊肉为主。 Don‘t use left hand to pass things while eating, they think the left hand is dirty, just right.吃饭时不要用左手给他们递东西,他们认为左手是脏的,只用右手。 For Pakistani people will call last name, and add other title.对巴基斯坦人要称呼姓,并加上对方的头衔。 英语国家文化之巴基斯坦 朱葛 市场营销111班 Introduction of Pakistan Pakistan’s Full name is the islamic republic of Pakistan, Pakistan is located in South Asia, east neighbour with India, south west border with Iran, Afghanistan and northwest, the northeast is to Chinas xinjiang. 巴基斯坦全称巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国,位于南亚,东与印度比邻,西与伊朗接壤,西北和阿富汗相连,东北面可通往中国的新疆。 PPT模板下载:/moban/ Thank you!


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