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Revision of the exercise * 1.Our teacher is a woman full of e_________-- she never seems to get tired. 2. Mmany rare animals are in d_________,because they are being hunted for. 3.The local g_____________ has taken measures to protect the city from water pollution. 4.WhenI i forst went to britain, I wasnt quite used to d______ on the left. 5. It is no use a_______with her about that matter as she is very s_______________. 6.I will meet you at the e_________ to the cinema. 7. Earthquake is one of the natural d______________ . 8. Years of war has left the area in r________. 9. Your job is to tick the names of those p_______ at the meeting. 10. M__________ technology such as IT has greatly changed our way of life. nergy anger overnment riving rguing tubborn ntrance isasters uins resent odern 1. Could you please keep _______ eye on my luggage? 2. --How about ____ magic show yesterday? --I should say it was ___ big hit. 冠词 a/an/the /零冠词 an the a 3. ··· hes not willing to tell me ____ it is that is troubling him. 4. Intelligence, perseverance and confidence are _____ it takes to make a good student. 5. In the letter was my sisters promise____ she would visit me in the winter holidays. 6. Id appreciate ____ if you would like te teach me how to use the computer. 名词性从句:主语从句/表语从句/宾语从句/同位语从句 连接词:that/whether(if) what/ who/whom/which It做 形式主语/形式宾语 when/where/how/ why what what that it 7. As you write in the story, it has been 20 years _______ I last saw you in a seaside hotel. 8.______ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person. 9. I had just started back for the house to change my clothes ________ I heard the voices. 10. He was carrying his books ______ I saw a group of kids running towards him... 11. Some people waste food, _____ other people havent got enough to eat. when/while/since/before/until since While when when while 12.If you do well in the final exam, you _____ be given an iphone 6. that is my promise. 13. --M


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