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Unit Five The Battle Against Aids New words 1.immune: a. (be ~ to sth) 1)safe from a disease or illness免疫的 2)not affected by sth不受影响的 E.g a) This blood test will show whether or not you are immune to the disease. 这次验血将表明你对这种病是否具有免疫力。 b)I am immune to the noise from the factory. 我对那家工厂的噪音已经习以为常了。 2.deficiency: n. [C, U] the state of having none or not enough of E.g One of the symptoms of vitamin C ~ is extreme tiredness. 极度疲乏是缺乏维生素C的症状之一。 A deficiency of sth: 缺乏什么 3.diagnose: vt find out what illness someone has by examining them诊断 ① diagnose sb. with … ② diagnose + illness/sb.’s condition as … e.g The woman is diagnosed with diabetes (糖尿病). The doctor diagnosed the illness as cancer. 4.constitute: vt make up, form组成,构成 a) Twelve months constitute a year. b)你们的学习组由多少个学生组成? How many students constitute your study group? 5.implement:vt carry out or put certain decisions into practice 实施,执行 E.g a) The government is ~ing its program of helping the poor. 政府在实施扶贫政策。 b) Money is needed to ~ our child-care programs. 实施儿童保健项目需要资金。 6.combat: 1)vt take action to stop sth bad or harmful与…做斗争 2)n. [U] fighting, especially during a war E.g a) The new government promised to take measures to ~ crime. 新政府承诺采取措施与犯罪行为作斗争。 b) A conference will be held on how to ~ pollution of the oceans. 将召开一次会议,讨论如何防治海洋污染。 Translation: 那位战士在战斗中牺牲了。 The soldier was killed in combat. 7.illustrate: vt show the meaning of sth by giving pictures or examples 用例子说明 E.g These graphs illustrate the results of the experiment. 这些图表说明了试验的结果。 Translation:他用统计数据来说明观点。 He illustrated his point with statistics. 8.risk: 1) n. [C,U] the possibility that sth bad, unpleasant or dangerous may happen. 2) vt. to place in danger The soldier risked his life to save the drowning girl. 士兵冒着生命危险去救落水的女孩. at risk: in danger 处境危险 疾病在蔓延,5岁以下的儿童都有被传染的危险。 The disease is spreading, and all children under 5 are at risk. 9.plague: vt cause pain, suffering, or trouble to someone, especially for a long perio


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