新课标人教版选修八Book8 Unit4 Vocabulary-2.ppt

新课标人教版选修八Book8 Unit4 Vocabulary-2.ppt

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新课标人教版选修八Book8 Unit4 Vocabulary-2

Book 8 Unit 4 Pygmalion-Vocabulary --2 compromise n.vi妥协,折中,折中方案 reach/arrive at/come to a compromise(on…) make compromises (on…) compromise with sb.(on…) They were unwilling to compromise with the military. we can not compromise on such terms. I think we’d better___ ___ (达成妥协) Don’t try to threaten me. l____ __(不会向你妥协的) 2.disgusting adj.使人反感的;令人厌恶的 disgusted adj 厌恶的 disgustingly adv.极其,极端,非常 to one’s disgust令某人作呕的是 in disgust厌恶地 The kitchen was in a disgusting state when she left. 使他作呕的是,他在花园里见到一只死狗。 . 那家饭店的脏盘子是我们感到厌恶。 3. in need of需要= in want of in need在危难中;在贫困中的;急需 He is in need of our help. 他需要我们的帮助 如果你需要什么,尽管对我说。 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 4.overlook俯视;忽视;不理会 The house on the hill overlooks the valley. 小山上的房子俯瞰着山谷。 My calculation was wrong because . 由于我忽略了一个细微之处,我的计算错了。 He has been kind enough . 他很宽容,原谅了我的过错。 5.show …in 带或领······进来 Please show the lady in. 请把这位女士领进去。 Show sb. into…领某人进入······ show sb. out 领某人出去(与show…in构成一对反义短语) show sb. around show off show up 出现,来到某处;揭露;显得好看 He showed me out . 他把我领了出去。 The schoolmaster showed the foreigners around our school. 我们带领他们参观了学校。 用 适当的介/副词填空 1.He showed me ______the school. 2.She showed ______her necklace before the public. 3.The meeting is to start, but the chairman hasn’t showed ______yet. 4.As soon as we arrived, the host showed us ______. 5.Part of the nurse’s job is to show people ______the doctor’s office. 6. fade out{声音,画面}逐渐模糊;渐淡 fade away逐渐消逝,逐渐消失;逐渐衰弱;枯萎;(指人)衰弱,病重死亡 Fade out the storm effect here, and turn up the music. 使这里雷雨声的音响效果减弱而使音乐声渐强。 In the last weeks of her life she simply faded away. 他在生命的最后几个星期已是草枯灯油尽了。 【当堂检测】 1. 除


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