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英语比较句型;原级的句型;②?在否定句中,用“not?as/?so?+原级形容词as”结构,表示前者不如后者。???? “A+系动词+not?as/so+形容词原级+as + B”? ??????eg.?These?books?aren’t?as?interesting?as?those.? ??????I?am?not?as/?so?busy?as?I?used?to?be.? 我没有过去那么忙了。???? 区别:Tom is not as tall as Mike. Tom is not so tall as Mike. “A+助动词/情态动词+not+谓语动词+as/so+? 副词原级+as +B”? ?eg.?She?didn’t?sing?so?well?that?night?as?she?usually?does.? ;the same (…) as 与……相同/同样 You’ve made the same mistake as Tom. 有时the same可以单独使用: My mother is much younger than yours. She isn’t! They’re about the same age. Those two dress are the same. different from 与……不同(different前面可加very,much,a little等修饰语) Is French food very different from Italian food? We’re planning something different this year from what we did last year. ;常用词组;3. as much / many as多达……,达到……之多,实际上等于,差不多 ??? Some of the stones even weigh as much as fifteen tons. ??? 有些石块甚至重达15吨。 ??? The number of people who lost homes reaches as many as 250,000. ??? 失去家园的人数多达25万。 ??? That’s as much as to say he was a thief. ??? 那无异于说他曾是个小偷。 4. as far as就……而言,尽…… ??? As far as I know, he’ll be away for three months. ??? 就我所知,他将离开三个月。 ??? We will help you as far as we can. ??? 我们会尽力帮助你。;5. as long as只要 ??? You can go where you like as long as you get back before dark. ??? 你去哪儿都可以,只要你在天黑前返回。 ??? You will be happy as long as I am living. ??? 只要我活着,你就会幸福。 6. as often as每当,每次 ??? As often as he came, he would stay with us for a time. ??? 每次他来,总要和我们呆上一阵子。 ??? The boy always says hello to me as often as I meet him. ??? 每次我遇见那个小男孩,他总是向我问好。;7. as well as和,同,既……又……,不仅……而且…… ??? My parents as well as my elder brother enjoy music. ??? 我父母亲和我哥哥都喜欢音乐。 ??? He is clever as well as hard working. ??? 他不仅努力工作而且聪明。 8. as…as possible / one can尽可能,尽(某人)所能 ??? Please sweep the floor as clean as possible. ??? 请把地打扫得尽可能干净。 ??? I’ll get back as soon as I can.; 比较级 + than… (……比……更……);The +比较级…,the+比较级… (越……就越……) ;the + 最高级 +(名词)+in/of/among … 在…(范围内)最…;运用比较级表达最高级的概念;比较级和最高级的修饰语;比较结构的同义转换


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