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consult vt.请教、查阅 vi.协商 diet n.饮食 v. 按规定饮食 balance n.平衡;天平 v. 保持平衡;权衡 Wangpeng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. Nothing could be better 其他比较级句子表示最高级意义 lie n.谎言 v.撒谎;躺;位于 Thank You! Your Business Company slogan LOGO Unit 2 Healthy Eating Language points 就…向某人请教 查字典 与某人协商 consult sb. about sth. consult the dictionary consult with sb. 1.他请教老师如何解这道数学题。 He consulted his teacher about how to solve the math problem. 2.请查阅字典看下 “consult” 的意思。 Please consult the dictionary for the word consult. =look up the word in the dictionary diet 指的是习惯的食物或规定的食物, 特指维 持健康的食物, 如病人的疗养食物。 food是一般指凡能吃能喝的具有营养的东西, 是不可数名词;但表示种类时是可数名词。 The doctor has put me on a low-salt _____ to reduce the risk of heart disease. 2.The patient mustn’t go without ______, but she should have a _____ without sugar. diet food diet 均衡的饮食/在节食中/进行节食 He has to ______________ Or he can’t even squeeze through the door. go on a diet She has _____________ for a week, so she is very weak now. been on a diet 保持平衡 失去平衡 权衡… keep balance between A and B lose one’s balance be out of balance balance A against B adj. balanced 平衡的,均衡的 某些国家在有所作为前应慎重权衡得失。 A certain country ___________ __________________________ __________________________ had better balance gains against loss carefully before taking action Women are struggling to ____ _____________________________________. (保持家庭生活和事业平衡) keep balance between home life and career 分词作状语 句式:主句,分词充当的状语 分词充当的状语,主句 充当状语的分词,其默认主语为主句主语 选择分词形式看主句主语与分词中心动词 间的主被动关系。 现在分词doing 过去分词done(-ed) 主动关系 被动关系 _________________________ (站在山顶上), you can have a better view of the city. Standing on the top of the hill _________________(在好奇心的驱使之下), Wang peng followed Li Chang into a newly-opened restaurant. Driven by curiosity The president of North Korea kept going his own way, __________ (导致)a growing tension between the two countries. resul


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