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动物毛烧煮员 the worst part of this job is the bad smell of the hair.they stand besides a big pot,boil the hair,until it’s soft enough. But in China, it is an opposite circumstance. As I know, there is a cemetery sales clerk who professed his income was more than one million yuan per year. If you are not afraid of this job, I think it may be very attractive to you. Group division: Theme :together 1~3:陈良章 4~6:胡晓 7~8:李厅 9~10:岳杰 陈良章,胡晓,李厅,岳杰 口臭测试员 Bad breath testers 陈良章 Why?does they go to?smell?someone elses?mouth?smells??Which is?in order to test?the?effect?of chewing gum?and?mouthwash?.?If a person?just? ate?the?garlic,?just?drunk,?or?other?flavor?of food,it is the?first task?for them to smell?how bad the smell of his mouth is and then to grade?from?1-9?points and to?write down the result.?And then?give them?gum or?mouthwash?.after that ,smell?again?and?grade again?.Through the comparison of the two times,They can test the effect of a product。 高尔夫球潜水员 Golf divers When Golf?was into?the?pool,?Golf divers dive?into?the pool to put it out?.Which can?make a lot of?money.In?some senior?golf courses?professional?golf?divers?could become?a?millionaire by picking up the golfball .They?can pick up about 3000 Golfs a day .?The?work?of the?risk?is that?there is some glass?or?wire?lines in the water?,More terrible,?maybe there are some?crocodiles?crawlinging in the pool . 椰子安全工程师 Coconut safety engineer In?order?to?prevent?passers-by?picking?the?coconuts,?a number of?tourist attractionsprincipals?hired?these people who pick up the mature coconuts?from the palm trees?before them?falling from the palm trees.whatmore ,they also need to?climb up?the?tall?trunk to pick up?the fruits which?will?fall?off.To my surprise,their?tipis?is the free?coconut milk. 狗食品尝员 Dog food tasters 胡晓 Maybe some people?are curious about?the taste? of?dog food . Maybe?your friend?said he or she has ever eaten the dog food when


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