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lexical feature (1)spoken word Because the entertainment news is very close to life, so the choice of words is more colloquial than other types of news . such as god works(上帝的安排)、not so bad(不错)、drop it(停止)、celebrity(名人)、debut(电影首次公映)、dub(电影配音) (2) new words Life is changing every day, with the the development of the new things, some new words created such as green food(绿色食品)、franchise(连锁店)、long time no see(好久不见)、local tyrant(土豪) vomit slot(吐槽) (3)Abbreviations UNGA=United States General Assembly、CBRC= China Banking Regulatory Commission、 CNPC=China National Petroleum Corporation、 ICJ=International Court of Justice (4)shortened word coml-commercial、 C’wealth-Commonwealth、 brunch-breakfast lunch、 infoport-information airport、 c’tee-committee grammatical features English entertainment news has a unique set of grammar, is different from our usual common English grammar. Used to use Conventional appositive clause, short sentences, direct speech, the present tense and so on. IN English entertainment news, in order to make the article more concise,some time will use Conventional appositive clause,for example, Taylor Alison Swift was born on December 13,1989 in Reading,Pennsylvania.‖(Times English Post 28/06/2013) short sentences Simplicity is veryimportant,so in some time,short sentences are very popular in news. Example:She eventually formed a lasting working relationship with Liz Rose.(Times English Post 28/06/2013). * Enligh entertainment news Abbreviations are especially used in the entertainment news Some writers in order to save word,they will shorten some words that usually appear Conventional appositive clause *


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