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* * Literal Translation Free/ liberal Translation The answer: Some people spend too much time in front of TV and eat too much fast food.(课本P95,P167) 一、直译的优势 直译不仅能保持原作的特点 ,而且还可使读者逐步接受原作的文学风格,促进语言多样性,丰富语言形式,利于文化沟通与交流 dark horse software cold war chocolate tank fans coffee hamburger bus brandy vitamin cool show humor clone rifle poker Jeep sofa soda carnation litchi (荔枝) gene golf whisky pound bowling disco shampoo salon cartoon romantic engine AIDS radar Strike while the iron is hot . 趁热打铁。 Good to begin well, better to end well. 要善始善终。 You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean, if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. (Mahatma. Gandhi) 你绝对不能对人性失去信赖,人性是大海,即使这个大海里游几滴脏水,它依然是洁净的。 All the world is a stage. 整个世界是个大舞台。 to be armed to teeth to show one’s cards shuttle diplomacy a gentleman’s agreement to strike somebody when he is unprepared Practice makes perfect. Soon got, soon gone. Speech is silver, silence is golden. 武装到牙齿 摊牌 穿梭外交 君子协定 攻其不备 熟能生巧 来得容易,去得快 雄辩是银,沉默是金。 二、直译意译皆可 To kill two birds with one stone 直译:一石二鸟 意译:一箭双雕;一举两得 To flog a dead horse 直译:鞭打死马 意译:白费力;徒劳;白搭;枉然;事后再 做无益的议论 A drop in the bucket 直译:一桶水中的一滴 意译:沧海一粟;太仓一粟;九牛一毛;微 不足道;微乎其微;不足挂齿;不值 一提;不起眼;非常渺小 Shed crocodile’s tears 直译:掉鳄鱼眼泪 意译:猫哭老鼠;假慈悲 competitive products 直译:具有竞争力的产品 意译:拳头产品 The worst wheel of a cart creaks most. 直译:最坏的车轮最会嘎吱响。 意译:才学最浅,叫得最响;出力最少,抱怨 最忙;能猫不叫,叫猫不能 三、意译优于直译 In private firms, green hands need special training. 直译:在私人公司里,绿色的手都要接受特殊的 培训。 意译:在私营公司里,新手都要接受培训 。 Simon is a big mouth. 直译:Simon 是个大嘴巴。 意译:Simon是个爱传闲话的人 ;Simon爱搬弄 是非。 It is a long lane that has no turning. 直译:那是一条没有弯的长巷子。 意译:无论多长的巷也有弯的地方(路必有弯,事必有变)。 David is as poor as a church


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