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Watch and listen And guess what I will talk about. 琴酒 Gin 伏特加 Vodka Sherry 雪莉 贝尔摩德 Vermouth 基安蒂 Chianti 卡尔瓦多斯 Calvados 波本 Bourbon Can you guess? Conan? Carton? No! No! Maybe you will talk about some drink So clever! content 3.Tequila 2.Gin 4.Cocktail 1.Most famous eight spirits in the world 备注:【美】烈酒 spirit Spirits are often used to divided into eight categories: Gin、Whisky、Brandy、Vodka、Rum、Tequila、Chinese Spirit、Sake. Do you know what they are? Most famous eight spirits in the world Gin 金酒,又名叫杜松子酒或琴酒是世界第一大类的烈酒 Gin, also named Du Songzi or gin is the worlds largest spirits category 金酒(Gin)诞生在荷兰,成长在英国。是鸡尾酒中使用最多的一种酒,有鸡尾酒心脏美誉。 Gin was born in Holland, grew up in England. Gin is the most frequently use in cocktail,so it is called “the heart of cocktail” Gin is one of the eight spirits. Gin has a attractive smell, colorless and transparent, taste refreshing. 世界八大烈性酒之一。金酒具有芳芬诱人的香气,无色透明,味道清新爽口,并且是调配鸡尾酒中惟一不可缺少的酒种。 Gin Gin was born in Holland Gin is the first spirit made for a special purpose, gin‘s hometown is the Holland, it originated in 1660, is the first invented by a university professor, the purpose is to let the Hollander prevent infection of tropical diseases and was initially(最初地) used as medicine to clear heat. 琴酒是人类第一种为特殊目的所造的烈酒,琴酒的故乡在荷兰,它起源于1660年,最先是由一位荷兰的大学教授所发明,其目的是为了让荷兰人预防感染热带性疾病,最初是作为清热的药剂使用。 荷兰有一个贵族,成为了英国王子,最终成为威廉阿姆三世。当时,英格兰没有酒精度很高的酒,威廉阿姆三世于是将荷兰产的金酒挪到英格兰生产,并且鼓励大家饮用。金酒开始被大量饮用,其品质也逐渐提高,最终成长为世界第一的酒。 Holland has a nobleman, become the prince of England and eventually became William Am III. At that time, England didin’t have spirit, He moved Holland gin’s production to the England, and encourage everyone to drink. Gin began to be drinking a lot, its quality has gradually increased, and ultimately grew into the worlds first spirit. Gin was grew up in England Tequila 龙舌兰酒是墨西哥的国酒,被称为墨西哥的灵魂,是在墨西哥开奥运会时,开始变得为世界所知的。该酒是以龙舌兰为原料的一款蒸馏酒。 龙舌兰酒常常用来当做基酒调制各种鸡尾酒 Tequila is Mexico‘s national spirit, is called the soul of Mexico. When Mex


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