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短文表演背诵 Let me quickly review my four reasons for using the bus for transportation. First, the bus is efficient; second, the bus is cheaper than the automobile; third, you are able to meet new friends on the bus. And finally, we all have a social responsibility to conserve. I would hope you would think about these reasons when you walk down to your car when leave class. Consider for a moment the amount of gasoline you are wasting when you and you alone drive that automobile home. Perhaps tomorrow you will consider taking the bus. 短文表演背诵 Most of you, I’m sure, have been exposed to statistics that indicate that active people have far fewer health problems than inactive ones. A story for you The wise old man [p.80] 英语视听说 look, listen, and learn to speak English Look at what? Look at how famous people deliver speeches. Look at how your teachers speak English in class. Look at how people in movies and plays speak and communicate in English. Listen to what and whom? Listen to famous people make speeches. Listen to your teachers speak English in class. Listen to stories, news, lectures Listen to people in movies and plays speak and communicate in English. Learn to speak what? whom? Learn to speak in a loud voice Learn to speak with accurate pronunciation and intonation. Learn to speak with fluency. Learn to speak with effective body language. Learn to tell stories, make speeches and communicate in English. 多种方法提高说的能力 古诗英译演唱 中文歌曲英译演唱 英文歌曲演唱 著名演讲模仿 故事表演背诵 短文表演背诵 古诗英译演唱 I see the sun set behind the mountains and the yellow river flow to the sea. if I wish to see any further, I must go up to a higher floor. 古诗英译演唱 I slept so well on a spring day that I didn’t wake till morning came. I heard birds sing everywhere. I heard birds sing everywhere. I remember hearing last night the sounds of wind and rain. I was wondering how many flowers had fallen to the ground. 古诗英译演唱 Around the well in my yard shone the moonlight. I thought it was frost on the ground. Look


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