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英 语 达 人 秀 Who Got Talent in English 年度总决赛 第一环节 口语展示 一班 三班 四班 二班 五班 六班 第二环节 英语知识问答 第一组 节日,食物 第二组 翻译下列英文成语,俗语 第三组 节日,时间 第四组 城市,语言 第五组 课本上的文化 知识 第三环节 基础PK 第一关 单词大比拼 不同 (名词) difference 伞,雨伞(名词) umbrella 饥饿的 (形容词) hungry 牙医(名词) dentist 舒适的(形容词) comfortable 服务(名词) service 创造性的,有创造力的;(形容词) creative 魔术师(名词) magician 严肃地(副词) seriously 有教育意义的 (形容词) educational 讨论,谈论 (名词) discussion 不幸地(副词) unlucky 小提琴家 (名词) violinist 科学家(名词) scientist 综合性大学 (名词) university 身体的(形容词) physical 关系,联系 (名词) relationship 公寓套房(名词) apartment 不可能的 (形容词) impossible 机器(名词) machine 第二关 词语运用 1. There are all kinds of _______(活动) in our school. activities 2. What’s your favorite ______(节目)? program 3.You should eat more _____(蔬菜)to keep you ____(健康) vegetables, healthy 4. I like reading ____(文章) in the ____(杂志) articles, magazines 5. I____(选择) a shirt yesterday. chose 6. She likes ______ (庆祝) all kinds of festivals. celebrating 7. He thinks that English is ______(interesting) of all. the most interesting 8. Our class room is bigger than _____(they). theirs 9. You can buy the fruits at a ___(最便宜的)price cheapest 10. There are about three_____(百) trees in the park. hundred 第三关 连词成句 1. Mulan, her, father’s, fight, takes, place, to army, in, the (.) Mulan takes her father’s place to fight in the army. 2. people, write, some, down, resolutions, the ,year, coming, for, always(.) People always write down some resolutions for the coming year. 3. scientists, there, more, in, future, the believe, that, will, be, robots(.) Scientists believe that, there will be more robots in the future. 4. has, pair, ears, famous, Mickey’s, who, a, of, more, than (?) Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey’s? 5. eat, meat, vegetables, carrots, potatoes, the ,with, like, and(.) Eat the meat with vegetables like carrots and potatoes. 第四环节 英语才艺展示 Glass 5 Trouble is a friend Class 4 The Snow White Class 2 You raise me up. Class 3 The Lost Youth. Class 6 How to believe. Class 1 Will Power. Good luck! The Old Man and the Sea


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