英语:module5 reading课件.ppt

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英语:module5 reading课件

当堂检测——Retell the passage and fill in the blanks I’m astonished by how ____ the landscape is. Down in the south, it’s very _____ , but in the north , Lijiang, a half new and half old town is on the side of a mountain, its peak _____ with snow. ____ from above ,the old town is a maze that the tourists get ___ in. This region is where the Naxi ethnic group live. It’s the women who ____ Naxi society. They _________ all property and have the _____ of playing cards in the middle of the street. The Naxi language is the only____________language still__ __.Naxi culture is particularly famous for its music.______ from father to son,the music hasn’t changed for centuries. At last I know I ________different we may appear to be first , we are all the same,all equal.;一.材料分析;2.教材内容 Reading部分讲述了西蒙.维克菲尔德在云南旅游的四则日记。通过其所见所想介绍了丽江古城及纳西族的风情文化。;3.三维教学目标 ;能力目标: 1). 理解篇章结构,归纳段落大意。 2). 训练学生的阅读技巧, 掌握提取信息,分 析信息,解决问题的能力。 ;德育目标: 让学生了解、热爱民俗文化,扩充眼界,增长知识。;4.教学重点和难点;5. 高二学生特点: 1)对新教材以及本单元内容有一定了解适应,自主学习习惯已逐步养成,但还对教师依赖性较强; 2)对事物有好奇心,思维活跃,但思考不深入,逻辑性不强; 3)有一定数量的学生因为害怕出错而怯于在课堂上使用英语进行交流和表达自己的想法。;二. 教学方法 ;三.教学辅助手段 ;四.教学程序;Learning aims: 1. Ss get the main idea of the text “Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan Diary” 2. Ss practice dealing with different reading tasks and key words using different reading skills.;Geography: everything from mountains and lakes to rainforests;. Picture a—Paragraph __;1.Read the whole diary, pay attention to the pronunciation . 2.During your reading ,please think about the main idea of each part and try to tell us using your own words. ;3. Careful reading :;Para2: 1. words: many small streets that are easy to get lost in _____ a road surface made from many small round stones_____ 2. Why do tourists get lost in Lijiang? 3.Why does Simon say “wherever you go, you hear the sound of rushing water” in the old town?______ (a). Because there is a big waterfall in it


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