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* 一个残疾人 a disabled person a person with disability 2. 他的视力一天天地下降。 His eyesight is failing day by day. 3. 实现某人的野心 achieve one’s ambition 4. 有野心做某事 be ambitious to do sth/for sth have an ambition to do sth/for sth 5.适合(做)某事 be suitable to do/for sth 6. 对…非常有益 be greatly beneficial to… be of great benefit to… 7. 受益于… benefit by/from 8.撞到家具上 bump into furniture 9. 使自己适应… adapt oneself to… 10. 适应… adapt to… 11.上气不接下气 out of breath 12.缺席… be absent from… 13.出席… be present at… 14. 在某人不在场时 in/during one’s absence 换句话说 总之 用语言 无法用语言表达 遵守诺言 违背诺言 与某人谈谈 与某人争吵 消息传来… in other words in a/one word in words beyond words keep one’s word break one’s word have a word with sb have words with Word came that… 插嘴 砍倒;削减 切碎;使某人心碎 切断;隔绝 切去;省略;停止 cut in cut down cut up cut off cut out 屏息 喘不过气来 深呼吸 上气不接下气 hold one’s breath lose one’s breath take/draw a deep breath out of breath 使某人不悦;惹恼某人 对某人生气 因某事生气 使某人生气的是 annoy sb be annoyed with sb be annoyed at/about sth to one’s annoyance 总而言之 毕竟 总共 最重要的是 首先 突然 究竟;根本(用于否定句) all in all after all in all above all first of all all of a sudden at all 在许多方面 在某方面 前往… 带路 迷路 没门 在去…的路上 挡道;碍事 in many ways in a/one way make one’s way to lead the way lose one’s way no way on the way to… in the way *


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