英语:unit 1《getting along with others》教案-project(译林牛津版必修5).pptx

英语:unit 1《getting along with others》教案-project(译林牛津版必修5).pptx

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英语:unit 1《getting along with others》教案-project(译林牛津版必修5)

英语:Unit 1《Getting along with others》 教案-Project(译林牛津版必修 5) Teaching objectives: Ss will learn how to plan and conduct asurvey and how to prepare an oral report to present to the class. Teaching procedures: Step1 lead-in Present a questionnaire and conduct a survey about different attitudes to friendship between boys and girls with the whole class . Questionnaire;A lot;Friendships between girls are usually based on shared emotions and support . However, friendships between boys are usually based on shared activities or interests. Girls seem to have a lot to talk about with their best friends than boys. Girls havemore friendships than boys. Step2 reading;Language points 1 puzzle Vt. 困惑;苦思 This mystery puzzles me. 这件神秘事情使我百思不解. I am puzzled by the difficult questions.;看到她那样的举止使我感到困惑.;4、 Consistent (with); 安德鲁拿最后一块点心之前犹豫了一下. He hesitates at nothing. 他对什么事都豪不迟疑. (2). Vt. 不愿; 不欲 ( hesitate to do) feel that perhaps one should not do ; not wish to do; be unwilling to do I always hesitate to advise my friends on what to read. 我总是不大愿意指点我的朋友们该看些什么书. (3). Vt. 怕麻烦别人 be unwilling ( to trouble somebody) If you have any questions , don’t hesitate to ask me.如果你有什么问题,尽管问我.;6、 base;Step3 Group Work(finish project) 1. Planning 2. In the groups of four, chooseatopic for their group’s survey and prepare an oral report. Planning Work in small groups. You want to survey people to determine how attitudes between boys and girls differ on acertain topic..;Who will take our survey?;优山美诗 / 优山美诗 批鬻痋


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