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Cultural Icons of Holland;Holland may be a small country, but it still manages to have some of the world’s best-known national symbols Today i will tell something about Holland symbols and the stories behind them.;Tulip;Tulips are Hollands national flower, and when in season you can view vast fields of them in certain parts of the country;Windmills ;Another former of Dutch agricultural life, mills were originally used for all sorts of practical purposes such as grinding flour, sawing wood, or pumping water. Today they’ve mostly been rendered obsolete by modern machinery, but some can still be seen operating in the Dutch countryside. Because they’re such treasured national symbols, there is a windmill conservation movement in Holland that seeks to preserve the remaining survivors.;Though windmills may be disappearing, wind turbines10) are plentiful. Because Holland is so flat and windy, wind power remains a popular source of energy. When you’re driving across long stretches of flat farmland, collections of tall, white wind turbines are a common sight. ;The Dutch are known for being fond of their cheese. After all, every postcard from the Netherlands that doesn’t feature tulips seems to be of a piece of cheese. In fact, the Dutch are such famous cheese-eaters that they are known abroad as “cheese-heads”.;


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