落花生 章培基散文.ppt

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落花生 章培基散文

落花生 ——许地山 The Peanuts Xu Dishan 我们屋后有半亩隙地。母亲说:“让它荒芜着怪可惜,既然你们那么爱吃花生,就辟来做花生园罢。”我们几姊弟和几个小丫头都很喜欢——买种的买种,动土的动土,灌园的灌园;过不了几个月,居然收获了! Behind our house there lay half a mu of vacant land.(倒装) Mother said, “It’s a pity to let it lie waste. Since you all like to eat peanuts so much, why not plant some here?” That exhilarated us children and our servant girls as well, and soon we started buying seeds, ploughing the land and watering the plants. We gathered in a good harvest just after a couple of months! Behind our house there lay half a mu of vacant land.(倒装): Half a mu of vacant land lay there. lay 是lie的过去式 vacant / ?ve?k?nt; ˋvek?nt/ adj 1 not filled or occupied; empty 未占满的; 未占用的; 空着的: Is the lavatory vacant? 厕所里没有人吧? a vacant situation, post, hotel room 空着的职务﹑ 空缺的职位﹑ 旅店的空房间. 2 (a) showing no sign of thought or intelligence; blank 无思想或智慧的; 木然的: a vacant stare, look, etc 茫然的凝视﹑ 目光等. (b) empty of thought (思想)空虚的: a vacant mind 空荡荡的头脑. vacantly adv: stare, look, gaze, etc vacantly into space 木然地注视﹑ 观望﹑ 凝视...着空间. # ,vacant pos`session (used in house advertisements,etc 房屋出售等的广告用语) state of being empty of occupants and available for the buyer to occupy immediately空房出售. lie [La, Ipr] be, remain or be kept in a certain state 在﹑ 留在或保持在某种状态: snow lying thick on the ground 地面上厚厚的雪 These machines have lain idle since the factory closed. 这些机器自工厂关闭以来一直闲置着. * Id rather use my money than leave it lying in the bank. 我宁可把钱花了也不想存在银行里. 就辟来做花生园罢:原句也可译为why not have them planted here或why not make a peanut plot of it 但现译更加直截了当,且避免在同一句中重复peanuts一词 plot / pl?t; plɑt/ n small marked or measured piece of land, esp for a special purpose (有标记的或测量出的)小块土地(尤指有某用途的): a building plot 一块建筑用地 a vegetable plot 一块菜地 a small plot of land 一小块地皮. 几姊弟:下文中会涉及,为防止累赘,译为children exhilarate / ?g?z?l?re?t; ?ɡˋz?l??ret/ v [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] make (sb) feel very happy or lively 使(某人)愉快或活跃: exhilarated by the n


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