2012年新冀教版七年级上Unit 8 lesson 48.ppt

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2012年新冀教版七年级上Unit 8 lesson 48

Unit 8 Countries around the World;Objectives;Words;Read and write true (T) or false (F).;Read the lesson and write the correct countries in the blanks.;Match the countries with their national symbols and flags.;Complete the table.;;Language points ;1.These English-speaking countries are all over the world. English-speaking countries意为“说英语的国家”,在这个短语中,English与speaking由一个连字符-构成了形容词,意为“说英语的” all over the world 意为“遍及全世界”,相当于all around the world。如: The song is all over all over the world 这首歌唱遍全中国。;2. Here is a list of eight of these countries. a list of…意为“一张……的清单”。如: Please give me a list of the students of the class. 请给我一张班级学生的名单。 You’d better make a list of food before shopping. 购物之前你最好列一张食物清单。;;Tom and Billy are in the ____ class. They are classmates. 2. People in Canada _____ English and French. 3. We can see _____ stars on the flag of the U.S. 4. People speak English as their first ____________ in a lot of countries. 10. The ______ city of U.K. is London.;1. — ______is Washington D.C.? — In the east of the U.S. 2. — ____________ is the U.K.’s flag? — It’s red, white and blue. 3. — _________ stripes dose this flag have? — It has thirteen stripes. 5. — ____ is the weather in Australia now? — It’s cool and windy.;1. Why do they say English at the meeting? ____________________________________ 2. What other do you know about these countries? ________________________________ ___________;3. Is this a map of Chinese? _____________________ 4. New York is on the east of the U.S. _____________________________ 5. Please find these countries in the map. _________________________________;1. Review Lesson 48. 2. Make sentences with new words in this lesson.;


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