西安工业研究生英语下Unit 1.ppt

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西安工业研究生英语下Unit 1

40. put forth=put up forward The climate has been abnormal for quite a few years. There have been many explanations put forth for it. Who knows for sure? 41 .resort [riz?:t] v to do something extreme or unpleasant in order to solve a problem I think we can solve this problem without resorting to legal action. 42procreation [,pr?ukri‘ei??n] n.to produce babies or young animals The WHO world strategy points out everyone possesses procreation health in 2015. 43.ponder [‘p?nd?] v.to think carefully about something for a long time before reaching a decision And once again, I began to ponder life, death, and consciousness. 44intricate [intrik?t] adj. having many complexly arranged elements; elaborate Instead he develops a highly intricate theory of how hes going to use slavery to saveblack people. Exercises 1.Still pending, for example, is the issue of joint exploitation of gas reserves in disputed waters, resolution of which would mark a big breakthrough. 2.She has shown no abnormality in intelligence or in disposition. 3. So this week is a good time to ponder whether America is becoming less exceptional. Exercises 4. Zoo officials decided to euthanize Jenny on Thursday night because of an inoperable tumor in her stomach. 5. This intricate web of interactions is vital to the maintenance of our soil, air, and water quality. 6. Manufacturers are also wrestling with a dilemma about where to cut production. Exercises 7. Many things restrain Indias economy, from a government that depends on Communist support to the caste system, power cuts and rigid labour laws. 8. Most red shirts swear blind that they stick to peaceful methods, even if they have to resort to disruptive sit-ins. Exercises 9.Boil any items a toddler or baby might put in his mouth. Discard stuffed toys, water-logged toys and non-cleanable toys. 10. Nevertheless, this journalism created a public clamor for more missiles and was used by defence industry executives to press for purchases. 3.Cloze Tho


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