西班牙斗牛节bullfighting festival.pptx

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西班牙斗牛节bullfighting festival

Spanish Bullfighting Festival;;Ventas bullring (文塔斯斗牛场);History the festival; Every year from July 6 through 14, hundreds of thousands of revelers, dancing to traditional pipe bands, pack into the center of Pamplona(潘普洛纳) to kick off Spains most famous bull-running fiesta in honor of the Navarre (纳瓦拉) capitals patron saint, San Fermin(圣佛明). Spain stages more than 3,000 fiestas a year--everything from fire walking to goat-throwing--but nine days of partying and running with the bulls at Pamplona still triumphs in terms of spectacle and recklessness. ;;The same waves of invasions that give birth to the bullfight also bred the uniquely Spanish blend of races. People coming from various places such like Greece or Rome have inhabited Spain for more than 100,000 years, which sufficiently mirrors the formation of the Spanish bullfight.;;six bull bull’s weight between 370 and 500 kilograms Every cows name , age and weight will be introduced by host to the audience. ; In the first stage, the bull enters the ring where it will be tested by the matador and banderilleros(斗牛士助手) with the required tanda (series of passes) using the capote. During this phase the matador observes the bulls behavior, how it charges and its ferocity(凶残).Next, two picadores enter the arena armed with a long lance and mounted on large heavily padded and blindfolded horses. The manner in which the bull charges the horse also provides important clues to the matador regarding which side the bull prefers.This is a mandatory step in the corrida which makes the bulls charges less dangerous and more reliable, enabling the matador to perform. ; In the next stage, the tercio de banderillas, the three banderilleros each attempt to plant two banderillas, or sharp barbed sticks, into the bulls shoulders. The banderillas further weaken the bull but also anger it, cause it to make more ferocious charges. Sometimes the matador places his own banderillas.;In this stage, the matador re-enters the ring with a re


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