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;Classical Rhetoric;古希腊民主政治对其影响;Many historians credit the ancient city-state of Athens as the birthplace of classical rhetoric. Because Athenian democracy marshaled every free male into politics, every Athenian man had to be ready to stand in the Assembly and speak to persuade his countrymen to vote for or against a particular piece of legislation. A man’s success and influence in ancient Athens depended on his rhetorical ability. Consequently, small schools dedicated to teaching rhetoric began to form. The first of these schools began in the 5th century B.C. among an itinerant group of teachers called the Sophists;The Sophists would travel from polis to polis teaching young men in public spaces how to speak and debate. The most famous of the Sophists schools were led by Gorgias and Isocrates. Because rhetoric and public speaking were essential for success in political life, students were willing to pay Sophist teachers great sums of money in exchange for tutoring. A typical Sophist curriculum consisted of analyzing poetry, defining parts of speech, and instruction on argumentation styles. They taught their students how to make a weak argument stronger and a strong argument weak. ;著名的诡辩家;The search for truth was not top priority They boasted of their ability to make the worse appear the better reason,to prove that black is white.;;Corax of Syracuse and his students Tisias(蒂西亚斯,有名的捉刀人,专门为诉讼者撰写诉状) were the first rhetoricians in history.;Isocrates; 苏格拉底 (469—399 B.C.) 我们对苏格拉底的知识大多来自于 柏拉图的著作。在柏拉图的《申辩篇》 中,他列出苏格拉底大多数著名的哲 学思想:做自己认为对的事,即使全 宇宙都反对;追求真知,即使全世界 都反对。 除了柏拉图,雅典人都认为苏格拉底是诡辩家。苏格拉底的思想似乎非常接近诡辩家,但事实上,他反对诡辩修辞主张的演讲者应该为了胜利不择手段。他认为修辞虽然让人印象深刻,但言之无物。不像诡辩家强调口才和形式,苏格拉底注重思想、真理和智慧。; Plato and his theory about rhetoric; Aristotle (亚里士多德) and his theory about rhetoric;Logos (logical reasoning) ;Some Roman rhetoricians and their theory;1). Invention 2). Arrangement. 3). Style 4). Memory 5). Delivery ;Invention discovery of valid or seemingl


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