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衡阳市八中2013届高三第五次月考试卷 英  语 时量:120分钟 命题人:汪 美 明 审题人:王 萍 PART ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A (22.5 points) Directions: In this section, you’ll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter (A, B or C) on the question booklet. You will hear each conversation or passage TWICE. Conversation 1 Why doesn’t the man want to work with Tom? A. Tom treats the man poorly. B. Tom says a lot but doesn’t do very much. C. Tom is not as smart as the man. What dows the woman suggest the man do? A. Talk with Tom. B. Find a new partner. C. Talk to his boss about Tom Conversation 2 How many times has the man made dumplings? A. Twice B. Once C. Never What does it need to make good dumplings according to the woman? A. Practice. B. A secret recipe. C. Talent Conversation 3 Why didn’t the woman see all of the collections at the museum? A. She spent too much time at one exhibit. B. The museum is too large. C. Only the jade exhibit was open What did the woman like the most? A. The primitive tools of Peking Man. B. The collection of jade from the earliest time period. C. The artistic works from the Qing Dynasty. Conversation 4 Why did Mary call the man? A. To cancel an appointment B. To confirm an appointment. C. To reschedule an appointment. What day is it today? A. Saturday B. Friday C. Thursday What will the man do tomorrow? A. Go somewhere with his son. B. Play baseball with his boss. C. Attend a lunch meeting. Conversation 5 What did the man do last night? A. He watched a sports program on TV. B. He invited the woman to see a show. C. He went to the stadium to watch an NBA game. How does the woman describe basketball? A. It’s a very fast game. B. It’s a dull game. C. It’s too compl


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