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* 记叙文之记事 在成长过程中,我们有时会和父母意见相左,请叙述你曾经做过的一件违背父母意愿的事,并简要谈谈你现在对此事的感受或看法。 关键词:disagree with Regardless? of? the? fact? that? I? disagreed? with? my? parents? sometimes,? I? took? their? advice?in?the?end.? Regardless? of? the? fact? that? I? disagreed? with? my? parents? sometimes,? I? took? their? advice?in?the?end.? Regardless? of? the? fact? that? I? disagreed? with? my? parents? sometimes,? I? took? their? advice?in?the?end.? Pre-writing 审题 确定主题; 确定体裁及写作格式; 确定人称、时态与读者对象。 在成长过程中,我们有时会和父母意见相左,请叙述你曾经做过的一件违背父母意愿的事,并简要谈谈你现在对此事的感受或看法。 Regardless? of? the? fact? that? I? disagreed? with? my? parents? sometimes,? I? took? their? advice?in?the?end.? Regardless? of? the? fact? that? I? disagreed? with? my? parents? sometimes,? I? took? their? advice?in?the?end.? Regardless? of? the? fact? that? I? disagreed? with? my? parents? sometimes,? I? took? their? advice?in?the?end.? 确定主题,列出要点 确定体裁及写作格式 确定人称、时态与读者对象 你曾做的一件违背父母意愿的事,简谈你现在对此事的感受或看法 记叙文;三段;时间先后顺序 I vs They/He/She; 一般过去时和一般现在时;老师和同学 The five prewriting techniques Free-writing Making a list Questioning Clustering Preparing a Scratch Outline Questioning WHY WHEN WHERE WHO HOW Questioning An experience where I disagreed with parent (s) When – When did it happen? Where – Where did it happen? Why – Why did it happen? Who – Who started the situation? Who else were there? How – How did it happen? How was I influenced by the experience? How did I recover from the situation? An outline shows the order of the various parts; the relative importance of each part the relationship between the various parts Example I. A. B. 1. 2. a. b. II. A. B. Outline: Ⅰ. Introduction I argued with my mum over selecting a course. Ⅱ. Development A. Beginning (at school) 1. Senior 2;the first term; 2. I decided to choose history.


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