二 古代中国经济的基本结构与特点(国外英语资料).doc

二 古代中国经济的基本结构与特点(国外英语资料).doc

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二 古代中国经济的基本结构与特点(国外英语资料)

二 古代中国经济的基本结构与特点 The supplement and guidance of the test site for the basic structure and characteristics of ancient Chinese economy First, the test site to supplement [1] the evolution and significance of ancient Chinese production tools] 1, the evolution of production tools: (1) in terms of material: stone, bone, wood - bronze, iron (2) in the process of grinding - making: smelting and casting (3) in traction power: Human - animal (4) progress in ploughing, seeding and irrigation techniques; 2, the significance of improvement: the improvement of production tools is an important symbol of the development of productive forces, and is the decisive factor to promote the change of production relations and social progress. [two] the general trend of agricultural development in ancient China.] In the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period began Tillage slash-and-burn cultivation plow cattle farming The basic characteristics of extensive cultivation intensive and meticulous farming Basic mode of agricultural production, collective farming, individual farming (small peasant economy) Development stage: primitive agriculture and traditional agriculture Attention: (Chinese traditional agriculture mainly starts from the spring and Autumn period) 1, the traditional intensive and meticulous farming is a basic feature of agricultural economy in china; 2, the iron plow cattle farming is the main cultivation mode of traditional Chinese agriculture; 3, self-sufficient natural economy is the basic mode of agricultural social production in ancient China [three] the development, technology intensive and meticulous farming 1, the concept: refers to the intensive and meticulous farming in a certain area of land, investment and labor production more, adopting advanced technology measures and meticulous farming, in order to improve the yield per unit area. (= + + tool intensive and meticulous farming tillage farming system + theory + + aux



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